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What is Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ)?

Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (BJJ) is a grappling-based martial art that focuses on ground fighting and submission holds. BJJ originated in Brazil in the early 1900s when the Gracie family adapted traditional Japanese Judo techniques into a more practical self-defense system. 

What are the benefits of training BJJ?

Some key benefits of training BJJ include:
– Improved fitness, strength, flexibility 
– Practical self-defense skills
– Increased confidence 
– Discipline and perseverance
– Stress relief and relaxation
– Fun, engaging activity to build community

What is a BJJ gym like? 

A typical BJJ gym has padded mats to train and spar on just like a wrestling room. Students wear light, flexible uniforms called gis. Classes generally start with warm-ups and technique drills before live sparring called “rolling.” Our BJJ gym has a welcoming, community vibe. 

How often should I train?

We recommend training BJJ at least 2-3 times per week to see real improvements. Consistency is key. For beginners, 2 times per week is a good start as your body adapts. Competition training may involve daily sessions. Listen to your body and rest/recover as needed.

What is the difference between Gi and no-Gi BJJ? 

Gi BJJ involves training and sparring while wearing the traditional uniform with a jacket, belt, and pants. No-Gi BJJ involves grappling without the Gi, typically wearing shorts and a rash guard. The gi provides grips to control your opponent but also for them to control you. No-Gi focuses more on leverage and body control. Most schools teach both.

Should I start with Gi or no-Gi BJJ?

We recommend beginners choose gi Brazilian jiu-jitsu for its fundamental techniques in control and submissions. Athletes such as Marcelo Garcia, Roger Gracie, Andre Galvao, and more recently Nicholas Meregali all started with the Gi and mastered No-Gi.

What are the belt ranks in BJJ?

Like other martial arts, students progress through different belt ranks or grades as they gain skills and experience. The BJJ ranking system is:

White Belt 
Blue Belt 
Purple Belt
Brown Belt 
Black Belt

There are also degrees of black belt up to the coveted red-and-black belt reserved for masters.

How long does it take to earn each belt?

There are no fixed training times, but here are the approximate averages:

White to Blue: 1-2 years
Blue to Purple: 2 years 
Purple to Brown: 1.5 years
Brown to Black: 2+ years

The black belt itself can take a decade or more of dedicated training to achieve. Focus on constant progress rather than belt rankings.

Can I do BJJ if I’m out of shape?

Absolutely! Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is for everyone. Tell your instructor if you have injuries or conditions to monitor. Take time to build up your cardio. Don’t compare yourself to others. Focus on improving 1% at a time. BJJ will get you into great shape if you stick with it.

What are the costs? 

BJJ costs vary by location and school. Typically you can expect to pay £50-£100 per month for unlimited training. You may also need to purchase a uniform and belt which can range from £50-150 depending on quality. Compared to other pursuits, BJJ offers great value for money.